Next steps

It's getting closer to being done!

Wretha Smith

8/28/20241 min read

a person writing on a piece of paper with a pen
a person writing on a piece of paper with a pen

I'm so excited! I just "ordered" a few samples of print, it turns out the publishing company I plan on using doesn't give (or sell) samples of their paper, I had asked ChatGPT for advice on the different kinds of paper (2 weights, coated or uncoated) for what I want to do with it, so with that advice I've chosen to go with the 60# uncoated paper, I wish I could get the heavier paper in uncoated, but all they offer in uncoated is the 60#, which I'm told is fine for what I'm doing.

So a few days ago, I created about 10 separate sample pages (1 page each) that represent 2 different fonts, 2 different sizes of the font, and a couple of different levels of grayscale for the letters. I plan on testing each of these to see which size is most comfortable for tracing, and which level of grayscale will look and work best. I want the font to be big enough to be comfortable to trace, and I want the level of grayscale to be dark enough to easily see AND be light enough that it will not interfere with any ink or pencil that people want to use to trace the letters.

I needed this to be printed with laser instead of inkjet in hopes that it will be closest to the what I will get in the books I will be printing. I contacted a friend with a laser printer, I'm now awaiting the pages to arrive. Once I test out and decide what works best, the next step is having a few books printed out to see how they look and work. The next step after that is to start offering these for sale on my website. I'm so excited! Everything is coming together!